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AIQS Changes Its Logo
Letter from Jordi Martí Gascón, President of AIQS, regarding the change to the IQS and AIQS logos:
Dear friends,
As many of you probably already know, IQS has recently changed its logo.
And AIQS has done so as well.
In line with the modernization and transformation of the Association and the consolidation of all IQS alumni as Alumni, AIQS has participated in the IQS makeover and has shared the new corporate identity with our university. It has been personalized a bit, with slight nuances, but ultimately remains a very similar and recognizable image.
This represents one more stage on the journey of enjoying our common past together at IQS and our shared future as alumni. The values that were instilled in us and that, as an alumni association, we must continue to uphold for the new generations that enter the job market every year are inspired by the IQS DNA.
As the President of the new AIQS Board of Directors, it is my pleasure to be able to continue moving towards a framework in which IQS and AIQS jointly share the achievements that this joint effort will undoubtedly bring to all of us in the future.
Jordi Martí Gascón