Do you work in the scientific or technological field of the alimentation sector?
Social changes and new consumption habits have made the alimentation sector one of the most dynamic and exciting. Being part of the Professional Alimentation Group will allow you to learn first-hand about the trends in the sector, in terms of opportunities and products.

Are you a purchasing manager or a senior buyer?
The purchasing department is a key pillar for improving the management and profitability of companies, which is why the Professional Purchasing Group will put you in contact with professionals in this area to improve your managing skills and work on organizational aspects, categories, suppliers and outsourcing.
Do you work in the pharmaceutical sector?
Look at the pharmaceutical sector from a transversal point of view, this is how we work within the Professional Pharmaceutical Group where reflected all the areas are involved in the life cycle of a drug, from the genesis and R&D&I to production and the subsequent marketing.

Environment: challenges and opportunities for professionals
Through conferences, seminars and technical forums, we review regulations, trends and approaches to find effective alternative solutions to current environmental problems. This is how the Environment Professional Group was born, to deepen the company-environment relationship.
Do you want to delve into Operations Management?
Thanks to data capture and analysis systems, we have more information than ever to optimize any type of process. The Professional Operations Group brings together professionals from the different sectors specializing in product and process engineering, production engineering and the world of supply chain and logistics.

Are you a professional or do you intend to develop in the packaging sector?
The Professional Packaging Group seeks to be your technological reference to respond to the current drivers of innovation in the sector: the adaptation of packaging to multichannel, ensuring the circularity of packaging and the fundamental role that packaging plays in industry 4.0.
Are you a chemist and work in the painting sector?
Applied chemistry is the basis of painting. In the Professional Painting Group you will be able to interact with other professionals with chemical studies who are dedicated to the sector or to one of the related fields such as inks, varnishes, stickers, pigments, etc. If you work in any of these segments, you are interested!

Do you dare with the challenges of tourism?
The Professional Tourism Group is created so that you can establish a solid and compact community with other former students. In this way, we generate synergies with the aim of facilitating the development of our professional careers and we reinforce our commitment to making travel safe again, while redirecting the sector towards a more sustainable and inclusive future.
Medium and Small Business
Are you a part of the management of a family business?
The business world of our territory is mostly made up of SMEs, but what happens when it comes to a family SME? The Vèrtex Medium and Small Business Professional Group works on focusing on how to run a family business and to make it more competitive.