Conference: The challenge of minimizing the impact of plastics on the ecosystem

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Sala Multimedia - IQS (Via Augusta, 390, Barcelona)
AIQS Alumni
Sala Multimedia - IQS (Via Augusta, 390, Barcelona)
AIQS Alumni

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Bioplastics have been on the market for many years although their use has not quite reached the level initially expected.

There is a great deal of misunderstanding about how and under what conditions biopolymers actually biodegrade, and the concepts of composting and biodegradation are often mixed up. Biodegradable plastics are presented as a more sustainable alternative to non-biodegradable plastics of fossil origin, but what is the current reality and in which applications are they used on a regular basis?

The transition to the use of biodegradable materials is faced with the high economic competitiveness of the conventional plastic industry. As such, gaining a position on the market requires great technological advances and economic investment. There is also a problem regarding the availability of these materials and, of course, finding a substitute in bio version with the same performance as a traditional polymer. Furthermore, social pressure and environmental needs are causing an evolution in the market, and the recent events in Galicia and Tarragona only confirm this necessary step and how much remains to be done.

This conference features four experts:

  1. In the manufacture and development of biobased and compostable polymers
  2. In the study of biodegradation
  3. In the study of the presence of microplastics in water
  4. In the study of how microplastics can affect health


9:00 am Introduction by the moderator: Eduard Martí, Managing Partner at Codols Technology, S.L. and Vice Treasurer of the IQS Alumni Board of Directors

9:05 am Inauguration:  Mr Oriol Alcoba, General Director of Industry with the Government of Catalonia

9:15 am Dr Luis Cabedo – Are bioplastics the solution to the environmental problem of plastics? – CEO & Co-founder at Cebimat (UJC – Castellón)

9:35 am Dr Jordi Palau – Key aspects to understanding what a compostable product is – Head of the Compostability Laboratory at ITENE. Technology Centre. Packaging, Transport, and Logistics 

9:55 am Dr Ethel Eljarrat Esebag – Impact of plastic-associated chemical additives on terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems. Scientific Researcher and Director at the Institute of Environmental Diagnosis and Water Studies (IDAEA) with the CSIC 

10:15 am Dr Cristina Villanueva – Exposure to microplastics and human health. Associate Research Professor at  ISGlobal in Barcelona 

10:40 am Coffee Break

Roundtable discussion: Biodegradation of plastic: reality vs myths 

11:15 am Moderator – Dr Nuria Oliva, professor, researcher, and La Caixa Junior Leader Fellow

12:45 pm Conclusions – Marc Monnin, General Manager at the Spanish Plastics Centre

12:55 pm Closing – Eduard Martí, Managing Partner at Codols Technology, S.L. and Vice Treasurer of the IQS Alumni Board of Directors.

Joint organizers: Industrial Engineers of Catalonia and CEP (Spanish Plastics Centre)

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