Sustainability in Cosmetic Packaging: Between Ethics and Aesthetics

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 Ethical consumerism" proposes basing purchases on ethical, sustainable, critical and responsible choices.

Global concern about industrial relocation, animal abuse, exploitation of workers and environmental degradation is growing every day. A change of consciousness is taking place worldwide, which has also had an impact on the cosmetics sector. Ethical cosmetics aims to respect the environment through sustainability, manufacturing eco-friendly products made from natural, biodegradable ingredients that are produced respectfully, packaged in sustainable alternatives and distributed through fair trade.

Does cosmetic packaging live up to these expectations? Most of the waste we generate is packaging and more and more brands are presenting their products in sustainable packaging. Customers no longer just value packaging that is attractive and novel, they prefer it to be sustainable, biodegradable and reusable.


1. Presentation of the round table discussion by Montse Castillo, Packaging Coordinator at IQS Executive, CEO and technical director of RepaQ Packaging Consulting, a company dedicated to technical consultancy and the development of projects related to food packaging.

2. Solutions to the sustainability of cosmetic primary packaging by Anna Escribano, CEO of RAFESA SL, a company dedicated to packaging for Cosmetics and Perfumery. 30 years of experience in the business world, mainly in the commercial area. She has been a member of Fidem (International Foundation for Women Entrepreneurs) for 12 years.

3. ECOPET Project, solutions to the sustainability of cosmetic secondary packaging by Frédéric Vescovi, CEO Gerosa.

4. Metallisation of cellulosic substrates for cosmetic packaging by Sergio Escuriet, Global Technical Director of the printing and packaging business within the performance coatings division of Lubrizol Advanced Materials. The company develops solutions for the packaging industry and, since 2015, focuses on improving the sustainability of packaging. He joined Lubrizol in 2005 as technical market manager for the graphic arts market.

5. Moderated panel discussion and open question time.

Organised by the Professional Packaging Group

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