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How to approach wage negotiations?

Why do we prepare job interviews, but we do not prepare salary negotiation? 


The salary is a tabu word and generates fears most of the time. People do not speak easily regarding the salary however it is very important for everyone. When people feel are well-paid increase their self-stem however, when the opposite, people become unmotivated.  that is why is very important understand the salary. Moreover, motivated people increase their productivity. 

Salary negotiation: 

Only 1/3 of people negotiate their salary. Men negotiate more than women. 20% of women never have negotiated and when do it, ask for 30% less salary than men. In conclusion, women do not feel comfortable when negotiate salary. Why do we prepare job interviews, but we do not prepare salary negotiation? There are different things to consider: 

  • Fear of missing the offer 
  • Avoid conflicts 
  • We are tired of selection process, and we want to finish as soon as possible 
  • Giving wrong impression to the interviewer 

Do not negotiating salary influences our professional career.


Most frequent questions: 

Am I well paid? Which is the added value of this job in the labor market? When should I finish the negotiation? In crisis can I negotiate the salary? While working in the company can I negotiate my salary? Which elements are involved in my salary? The sector is important? Which percentage should be variable? 

What does the salary depend on? 

  1. The value of the position: according to internal and market valuation 
  1. Personal contribution: depends on skills and results. 

For further information contact: 

Source: Montse Almazor, professional guidance service partner