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Most requested skills by companies

Labour market is changing with the technologic progress that is why we need to be able to adapt to the reality and be aware of the nowadays most requested skills by companies. 

The way to select candidates will be modified in a short term. The focus will be the emotional intelligence in order to know potential features of candidates behavior. 

Most requested skills are: 

1. Creativity and Problem-solving 

2. Flexibility and adaptation to change 

3. Emotional Intelligence and empathy 

4. Communication skills 

5. Time management   

Be aware of our strengths and weaknesses and of our skills is an added value for us.  

DISC Assessment is an excellent tool to know the behavior trends of the evaluated person. This statistic model uses algorithms to generate the behavior trend. 

Normally, people have one or two personality features highlighted. The knowledge of our DISC Profile allow us to deal in different environments: in our life, work, relationships, communication, etc… 

In AIQS Alumni offer you the DISC assessment in order to help you to understand and manage these skills. 

For further information contact: 

Source: Montse Almazor, professional guidance service partner