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Safety in the Chemical Industry

Mr Alfredo Robledo, from the CPL Consulting of the Sagaroy Group, commented that the probability of having an incident is not zero, that administrative inspections highlight the aspects to be improved, and that the lack of knowledge of the legislation does not exempt us from environmental liability, therefore recommends auditing each year, to improve safety.

Dr Ricardo Génova, from Alente Environmente S.L., has explained to us the environmental risks and how they are assessed, and how the Financial Guarantee is established.

Ramon Canosa of the Marsh Insurance and Gordon Smith of Liberty Specialty Markets have commented that there are mechanisms to secure or cover the consequences of an environmental incident or accident, such as the technical fund or bank deposit.

And finally, Dr. Julian Sempere, a professor at the AIQS, has reviewed accidents in the chemical industry, which have been the origin of SEVESO legislation. The objects that surround us are chemical and that the chemical company is the safest manufacturing industry that exists.

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